For as long as man (and woman) has been roaming the Earth he (and she) have had this undeniable urge to compare themselves to the other Cro-Magnon or Neanderthal. To have the biggest cave, hunt the biggest Wooly Mammoth, or to have the latest "footmobile" to roll out of Rocktroit. You name it, whatever it was it had to be bigger and better than the Homo-Sapiens next door.
Fast forward to "modern" man. We, now, know we have the capacity and intellect to not worry about what others are doing and especially NOT to compare ourselves with the neighbors.
In business, we know that we will never get ahead if we are constantly worried about the competition is doing. In 2013, we know (at least I hope we know) that if we keep following the competition there is absolutely no way we will ever get ahead of the competition. That’s why we MUST stop comparing ourselves to others. By “others” I mean other individuals, other organizations, other groups, you know the OTHERS in our lives (both personal and professional) that we compete with for Attention from others (i.e., customers, friends, family, and so on).
What do you do or can do?
First, you STOP worrying about the competition!
Next, you START to worry about yourself and your organization or group!
That is all you should worry about and nothing else.
Worry about the little things. Worry about the big things that were once little things. Worry about whether your staff or employees are TRAINED ON THE BASICS and nothing else. Do they have the BASICS down that they can do it in their sleep? If you cannot answer that question then you better start to worry about that because if they are not trained on your organization’s Basics then your competition will definitely be the least of your worries.
If you absolutely, positively have to compare yourself to someone or some organization then COMPARE YOURSELF TO YOU OR YOUR ORGANIZATION OF THIS TIME LAST YEAR.
Are you better now or worse off? If you are better, then let me say CONGRATULATIONS! If you are worse off then let me say: STOP READING THIS BLOG POST AND GET BACK TO WORK!
Better or Worse, it doesn’t matter what does matter is that RIGHT NOW you have to start thinking about what you MUST DO NOW so that when you compare yourself next year will you be in a much better place!!!
So don’t worry about the other fellow. Worry about yourself, correct your mistakes, learn from them and who knows maybe by this time next year your competition will be worrying about you (and that is a very good thing)
Until Next Time,
Dave Guerra
Rio Records Service, Inc.
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